A Heart-Aligned Practice is Key

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    Align from your Heart Space

    Do you realize the value of connecting and aligning to your heart space? Why aligning from the heart space is key, and why the Elders recommend it routinely? Do you recognize that they do not always recommend you do so each time a meditation or update is given? Do you also recognize why you might want to take this step nonetheless each time you begin your day? Do you realize the value of such a connection and what it brings to your being and world when doing so? 


    The Elders have recently given a series of heart-centered or heart space updates. From these updates, I recognize this component to be a very important one. However, they don’t spell this step out each and every time they discourse understandings because they trust you will recognize the significance without them continually emphasizing or stressing the point. They also believe you will enact and enlist those steps that are most meaningful for you to do. 

    So you will want to establish a practice that works for you. You probably already have things in play but might you consider some new steps if yours don’t include all the recommended components? And certainly, you’ll want to cover certain points routinely. The value of such a practice is that it will allow you to move from a centered space of being even when something unsettling pops up and into your world. In other words, it will keep you from moving in a way that would further diminish your state of mind and how you are able to handle such an unwanted occurrence. It is an excellent means to remain centered even through adversity.

    Do you also realize that this sort of connection can change what flows back to you within your day? It is because now you’ve moved into motion the law of attraction. It’s at work once you enact certain steps. So understand that when you set the stage for the day to begin in a more measured way, you will have set up for certain things to be put into motion. Now, your day will most surely manifest in a better way than before because you have let the day and Universe know your preference for the day. You’re telling Universe that you want more of this or that sort of thing. 

    10 Steps to Manifest

    And too, we offer 10 Key Steps to Transformative Change. You might download your copy now so that you have the steps to transform and thus manifest more. It’s the means to establish the best practice. Incorporate these steps into your meditation practice. They are easy to do and once you have your dynamic meditation practice in play, you’ll see how you can remain in a more balanced space. Should adversity appear at your door, you can move back into a more centered space of being. Then you will experience moving in a more aligned, balanced, and centered way.


    Gratitude is so very important because it reestablishes what you want within the day. This is where gratitude becomes a catalyst to bring you more of those preferred things. It’s the means for Universe to know what you want more of and the generator for more of that sort of stuff to flow back to you.

    Frame the Day

    And framing your day, along with gratitude, further establishes what is wanted. It’s by your focused attention and your intention for what you want the day to manifest more of. Then, those things are incorporated into what comes into play.

    It’s really incredible when you set up your practice to get things flowing. Move to generate a day that wouldn’t be as you’re now grown it to become. It’s through the seeds you plant for the day to spring forth in a different way, in a better way, in a more resplendent way.

    So anchoring and aligning from the heart space, and setting your intentioned attention there as you begin your day is the best way to grow your day. It’s the way you can manifest more. It’s the way you can align to be in the best space mentally because you’ve set the intention for more to now be.

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