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    Know that all are the One

    Do you recognize that you are a part of the one? Do you realize that there is no separateness? And with that understanding firmly affixed, let’s focus on YOU. You in the sense of who are you and why is “You” such a separate or individual concept? For you see, You are not You as there is, You and You & Me. For we are (as we have said before) all connected and there is no separateness.

    There is no Separate-ness, Only One-ness

    So the You is not as it seems, separate and alone. How do you bridge the two, so that we walk (as if across a bridge) one from each side, and merge into the oneness of being? For you see, until we see each other as being connected, there will always be this struggle that causes the separateness to remain and be maintained.

    Self-Heal your Consciousness

    The alone-ness perceived causes some to feel disenfranchised, less than, and defeated. For they know not where to turn and where they do turn is not as they might. It is a sad and somewhat self-fulfilling prophecy in that many repeat actions that only propel them further away from a one-ness that would allow them to heal. What is your self talk?

    Healing the mind, body, and soul must start with the healing of their being as their consciousness is one with everyone else. Until there is some education on this fact, violent situations will continue. For they know not that they are destroying a part of themselves in their struggle to kill, maim, and control. Their struggle of separate-ness.

    So how can each begin to heal at a more conscious level? How can the awareness we speak of begin so that this becomes viral so to speak? For that is the age in which we sit and to ignore the means and method that this message must be brought into mainstream awareness is foolhardy.

    Connect to the All-ness of Being

    We advise you to seek connectedness and to feel the connectedness that inward reflection brings. Know that you are each connected through Source Energy, never separate as all are the one.

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