Bridge Consciousness

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    bridging consciousness

    What does it mean to bridge consciousness? Do you know? Might you consider what a bridge serves to do? It allows for accessibility. What was once difficult to ascertain, is no longer that. What was once difficult to experience is now fairly easy because the bridge has forged the means for that accessibility to occur. It has enabled more to be.

    The bridge discussed here offers you a key of sorts. A key you do not possess, but now have access to. You now have access to what our bridge seeks to impart.

    Yes. I bridge consciousness. I hold a key to the Elders and their insights. I held this key all of my life but didn’t know it. I discovered this key many years ago but didn’t know the extent of what it offered. It was when I sought answers to countless questions about life and why things are as they are that more was given. I wasn’t looking to answer personal questions, but the means to understand the bigger overarching questions that exist in life. It was that I sought to know why we are here and why things are as they are. I wanted to understand more.

    What about you? Is it time to know the whys and wherefores of life? Is it time to bridge understandings in a bigger way than before? We will never know all in this life for you see, there is always more. And the mind can only fathom so much. Yet, I ask now because, in time, you are meant to do this too. You are meant to bridge understandings with your Soul. Let your Soul guide the way to all that is in play.

    Bridging Consciousness

    What I do isn’t that unique. I hold an energetic key to energy I connect to. This allows me to access what others cannot because they do not hold this energetic key.

    My Soul was originally unbounded energy. It was energy that I’ll term spiritual consciousness. My Soul volunteered to come into this Earth Experience to offer a reminder. The Elders are here on a mission to restore what was once known but has been lost in time, and over time.

    My Soul is an Elder. This Community of Beings came to remind humanity that we are divine. They came on a mission once long ago. It was to offer humanity a reminder of their divinity and that they came here for a specific purpose. Not the life purpose but their divine purpose. This is also known as the original purpose, their Soul’s purpose, or their spiritual purpose. And maybe a name or two I haven’t thought of.

    Who are the Elders? They are from the Energy of Love. You can feel this Love in their words. It is a Love unlike any I’ve felt here. Their words are unconditionally Loving and kind. I’m grateful for all they have shared but I hope to share more in time and over time. It’s why I’m here. I know this unequivocally.

    Do you also realize that if this sounds hard to imagine, or even unbelievable, it is because your mind hasn’t considered what we now suggest? Know that the mind does not conceptualize spirituality. Think upon it as you would a computer. Consider that spiritual objectives were not a part of this computer’s initial download. We suggest here that you move the mind off and away so that greater insights might be put into play.

    We’ve been coming here for a very long time. So I’ll suggest, that it is time for you to get about why your Soul chose to come here in the first place. Isn’t it time to return to what you were doing before you journeyed here? Isn’t it time to return to your life before this Earth Experience?

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    All is energy, vibration, frequency

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