Conscious Awareness

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    conscious awareness

    Many inquire asking about conscious awareness. They want to understand what it means to become consciously aware. Do you? If you do, is it something you wish to find or be? What is the intention behind your objective?

    Then I’ll ask if it Is the first step or the endgame. Is the point, once found, to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor or is it to achieve something more? Is it to move beyond the physical pursuits found here? Is its discovery all you seek? Perhaps seek to discover it so you might enlist to do even greater things … in a spiritual way? W

    So what is your next step and why do you seek it now?

    The First Step

    Yes, this is merely the first step. We suggest there are many other steps to follow this initial one. So moving to enlist this understanding and what it implies is only the beginning, not the final objective you are to discover.

    It’s interesting to see questions posed that imply that this is the endgame and all that is sought. We know that many reading here recognize this as merely the starting point rather than the ending implied but what about you?

    Become Consciously Aware

    Why should you strive to be that conscious awareness? What’s the value of that? But more importantly, what happens after that? What is truly the endgame to be sought? If you are truly divine, as we imply, what is the next best step that will move you further along on the pathway to all you seek?

    Discover Your Original Purpose

    And of course, here, we discuss finding your original purpose. It’s the reason for being in this space — in this Earth Experience.

    Once you become consciously aware, now seek to maximize it. Seek to grow it. Seek to elongate the moment. Seek to turn what are mere moments in time into more than that.

    When you move into a state of being consciously aware, now add to it. Seek to maintain it. This is also growing the time, like a muscle, but also a bit more than that. Let us say it is layered onto that. It is growing it like a muscle on steroids.

    Given in Love, Chapter 1

    So what is the endgame alluded to in last week’s update? What is the point of excalibur, the endgame, and all that has come before? Recognize that you are always moving forward or backward. There is no status quo position that will keep you moving forward. You gain or lose ground. It is as simple as that. There can be no other way. Yet, recognize there is always more. Do so because you want to get about maximizing what you have now discovered.

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