Ego – What’s Playing Within

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    How do you define ego?

    What do you hear playing in your head when you stop to listen? The mind engages and processes logical thoughts. It moves in a manner that occurs in a sequence or flow. Whereas the ego inserts, interjects and presents an idea or consideration seemingly out of nowhere.

    As you discern what is occurring within, do consider you have many occupants that engage and may wage a battle for thought supremacy. In the war of words, ego loves to have the last word. Does it wage a measured, more balanced response to most queries, or quip, insert and interject without rhyme or reason?

    We will say to pause and listen to the volume you hear within your head. Is the voice loud, boisterous, and most assertive? This is ego. But if the voice you hear is meek, small, and measured, well, that’s something else. Insights given here are softly spoken and almost hard to hear. Listen hard and seek to engage with this voice over the egoic grandstander. Use your discernment to determine what is playing within…

    Ego-ic Choices

    ego - what drives your thoughts?

    Do you recognize that your ego influences much from how you dress to the car you drive? Do you see how your choices make such a big difference in how you move forward in your life? You see, ego can make you feel unhappy when you don’t choose what it offers. When you minimize or scrimp, is that something that ego agrees with or suggests other more flattering options? What drives your thoughts?

    Your Purpose

    We want you to realize that all is meant to distract and lead you away from what you once wanted to know. Recognize that your purpose is the thing that fueled the objective to be in this physical domain. It is why you are here. Know that you will be here until it becomes important once again for you to know and be in that space of loving embrace. In that league of understanding. Discover why you are here when you get about the intentions orchestrated by your Soul.

    In case you missed one of these ...

    What does enlightenment mean? Many have defined it to mean this or that, but is this so? What is the point of such a consideration...

    Do you wonder why certain things happen? Why do negative or bad things pop into play in an unexpected way? And what do they have...

    What is death, and what does it mean to transition? Are these things synonymous? You see, there is much here, and we seek to share...

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    All is energy, vibration, frequency

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