What does enlightenment mean? Many have defined it to mean this or that, but is this so? What is the point of such a consideration anyway? Is it a seeking to become more than who or what? More than another, more than what existed today or yesterday, or more than imaginable?
You see, it is the intent, your intent here, that is so very important. For if you simply want to know so that you can be above and better than another, then you will not ascend to what this word does seek to imply.
What Does Enlightenment Mean?
And so, let us look at this one word. Enlightenment has many facets of understanding, for the mind is routinely employed to ferret out its meaning. And the mind will not get you to where you truly seek to go. The mind seeks to know but cannot for it is limited in its scope of understanding and awareness.
But most do not know or understand this. They seek to understand and ask their mental consideration to define what this thing is. What does it suggest and why is it a word worthy of defining in a way of being unlimited and unbounded?
You see, it is a word of scope and measure. It is unbounded in that it can be understood in a different way when you recognize its boundlessness. When bound by the understandings brought about mentally, it means less than more. Otherwise, it has a limitless potential in all that it seeks to convey.
Move the Mind Off and Away
Know this as you move the mind off and away from further consideration. Still the mind. Move it off and away, this and each day. Move it into a positive posture when you maintain the awareness of all you seek to know, do, and be. What is it that you seek to ascertain and know? Is it wanted because of mental proclivities or because of something else? This is what you must determine for if you are only following suggestions prompted mentally, then you will not advance as you might or could.
Join Us!
Join us in Raleigh, North Carolina, for our next Body, Mind, Spirit Expo presentation on Saturday, February 22 at 11 a.m. There, we’ll share insights from our next book, Given in Love. Learn how to make this your last incarnation because you do not know what you do not until you do.