Errant Thoughts, Part 2

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    As we suggested in Errant Thoughts, Part 1, the thoughts you think are not as you might believe them to be. Recognize this. Yes, they come in and suggest much, but they do not truly originate with you. They are separate and aside from you, as earlier suggested. You see, they are not as you might believe them to be. And so, this day, we intend to shed more light on this premise and why this is so.

    You see these lower and more lowly thoughts are those that are not in keeping with the divinity that your thoughts might originate from and to. In other words, you must want to bring in better thoughts and a better means of life out-picturing itself through and to you.

    All within life is a choice. Since this is so, if you acquiesce to what the mind suggests then you will continue on as before. You must choose to want more for your life and the beingness from which you originate. You must want, crave or simply desire more. If you do not, then your life will continue on in the same way in which it did exist before.

    Recognize the thoughts that enter in are meant to keep you in a more lowly way, needing what it offers in an incessant sort of way. The mind wants to maintain control in an overarching way. It is that it wants you to see more plainly how you cannot navigate this life without it.

    The Mind

    Your mind originates with the body vessel that is used to navigate this life. The mind is a part of that package. Recognize your divinity resides in the heart space and is separate from that. Know that your mind and body operate in a way that will keep you functioning in the day-to-day dealings. Yet it is the divinity that you can also lay claim to operates beyond that in a greater way. It operates in a way to consciously move you from here to there. See one as earthbound. See the other as boundless … limitless.

    Controlling Thoughts

    Recognize that the thoughts that enter in are meant to keep you in a more lowly way and to need what the mind offers in an incessant sort of way. The mind wants to harbor control in an overarching way. It is that it wants you to see more plainly how you cannot navigate this life without it. 

    Do you see that it also manipulates and controls? Recognize this. It does orchestrate much within a day and all are meant to lead you to a conclusion that buoys up its position. And what is that position? It is to do more, accomplish more but in a more rudimentary way. Let us say that it seeks for you to move as it directs.

    We seek to change that. We seek for you to see what it does not expect you to see. We want you to demand and want more, for this life cannot be the full expanse of what it might otherwise be if you maintain it as you have done before. Do you see this? Do you see all that has come before has kept you from stretching your wings to see this life in a way of the divinity from which you originate? It is that which we wish for you to see. 

    See that life is much more than you may be currently aware. Seek to look at it in a more expansive way. Look there instead of through the limited lens you perhaps engaged before. Remove what keeps you in a downtrodden way. See life as more than that. 

    See life in the magnificence that it is. See life as being more than you might now recognize. Move to expand your field of awareness as you look and focus there now. Focus and feel this life and all it seeks to impart. Look this way as you now see its full expanse and the wonderment that exists there. Seek this and not that.

    Join us in Colorado for the next Body, Mind, Spirit Expo where we’ll share insights from our next book, Given in Love. Learn how to make this your last incarnation.

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