Finding Purpose in Greece

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    Find your purpose in Greece

    Does your purpose await discovery in Greece? You can find it here or in another location but doing so in Greece would be a most magical space in which to be. Now is the time to participate in practices that withstand time. Since time is illusionary, what might you now know that will propel your steps toward what you sought once to accomplish? Know that your purpose awaits connection today. That is why you are here and why you have taken on this physical existence. 

    Health considerations are most important so that you can complete what you once began, perhaps long ago. You see, this life and all the trials and travails are for a purpose. They seek to redirect and lead you home. Join us in Greece!

    Join Us in Lesvos, Greece

    Engage now to learn more about your purpose and why certain steps are so integral for you to accomplish and undertake as you now journey in a way of understanding and discovery. Join us for our first international retreat. Our workshop promises to be truly special in the backdrop of such a space.

    Join us in Lesvos, Greece July 26-27, 2021

    Reach out to us to recommend other event locations where we can meet and share more of our insights. Join us in Lesvos!

    For more information, contact us at [email protected].

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    All is energy, vibration, frequency

    Advanced Energetics - Discover the Elders - Find Your Purpose