Focus Intently to Change an Atom’s Spin Within

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    Change an Atom's spin within

    How can you effectively change an atom’s spin within through focused attention? And why would you want to do so? The atom has a nucleus, and it spins. It spins to such a degree that it can change the very components that comprise it. The atom is a key element of everything on Earth, from the way it moves to its total physicality. As such, it is a building block for all that exists in this earth realm. Its significance here is most evident. But how can its spin change, and what healing will that offer?

    Atoms and Their Role

    The atom is a microscopic thing, being so very small, and yet it plays such a big role in this world. It is the key (in many ways) to shape your reality and your ability to heal. As we have said, the mind has the power to reshape an atom and can eliminate the formation of illness and disease within the body as you may already know. So why hasn’t more been done to promote this line of thinking? If it is the key component to so many things, why not explore this modality more fully?

    More will be given in time, but it is through your focused attention that a more balanced spin can be created. There are other methods that might be employed too, but the ultimate aim is to shift your overall energy so that you might engage with life differently. See things and focus upon those things you like rather than dwelling on what does not bring you happiness. Focus is most key and where you place your attention. Healing is a part of the mix of what might be accomplished when you want to heal some issues within your mind or body. All is possible and so do allow this to be absorbed, understood, and believed.

    Focus to Heal

    Yes, when you focus the mind by sending healing energy to areas that are less than they should be, healing can take place and rapid changes can result. It is true, that each one has all the tools they need to heal so many things within their world. Yet it seems a distant enterprise to consider this premise, much less to consistently do those things which will move all restorative aspects into being.

    So here we are. Each has the tools needed, and the very tools sought are within reach. They are stored safely within. Ready and accessible when you are ready and willing to engage them. Here’s a bit more about focus and its importance.

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