Gratitude – Give Appreciation (#11)

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    Give Gratitude

    Do you recognize the many things today that you perhaps take for granted? Might you recognize them now and feel appreciation for the many freedoms you experience? Cherish the freedoms you have and all experienced in this space and time. Pause now to do so.

    Do you also see that the mind will seek to navigate you here and there … to do this or that? Seek to discern what is most important. And do so from a place of centeredness. Do so from your heart space rather than through a mental engagement. Ask and seek direction often.

    Give Appreciation & Gratitude

    Find gratitude each day. Do you find much to appreciate? Is it time to look there first? You see, each thing carries a vibration, and as you focus there, you draw more of its kind to you. Draw more of what is wanted in this way.

    In case you missed one of these ...

    What does enlightenment mean? Many have defined it to mean this or that, but is this so? What is the point of such a consideration...

    Do you wonder why certain things happen? Why do negative or bad things pop into play in an unexpected way? And what do they have...

    What is death, and what does it mean to transition? Are these things synonymous? You see, there is much here, and we seek to share...

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    All is energy, vibration, frequency

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