Love Can Change Your Life

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    Love transforms and changes life

    Do you agree that love can transform and change your life? We would say that life has its twists and turns. All are learning or continuing to learn here. Some believe they must move in a more radical yet exclusive manner to assist others. They see their way and thought process as the only one of merit and value. Some become lost in such delusionary thinking.

    Know that one way is not the exclusive way. Many alternate realities can get you to where you seek to go. So yes, travel your own path, but do not believe that others cannot reach their destination exclusively through what is believed to be the best or only way.

    Life Choices

    Life choices exist, and when the belief exists that life can be better because of the elimination of another, take another look. In mass shootings, if another believes they can make their own life better by ridding the world of “these other people,” there is a mental disturbance there. It is without merit to think such violence would make the difference such individuals crave. How they might think such occurrences would help alleviate their own mental suffering is lacking merit. We offer this.

    Within your own life choices, always stop, pause, and connect inwardly so you might know if this or that path benefits the one, the whole, or any part of life.

    All are Connected

    Since all are connected, reflect on how the death of another or many, might benefit the whole. This would be difficult to ascertain. Where there is a perceived self-benefit or benefits solely for self-gain, then there is not a benefit to all of mankind.

    Release the need to rationalize such acts and move from a space of love. Draw in Love. Realize that love is the connecting element that has been missing here. In such occurrences, do you see how the circumstance would be diminished were Love engaged initially? Seek Love first so that other dynamics can come into play, allowing new options to come into view.

    Love Transforms

    Recognize Love as an energy component that can not only heal one’s body, it can also diminish and equalize the energy within a violent storm. It is truly a transformative catalyst for it moves and grows (in a good way) all that comes into contact with it. It is what the world could use more of. Do you agree?

    Universal Love is the component we share here. Move in Love and recognize that this Love can move mountains and restore what is amiss within life.

    This Love can change all within its path. It can fuel your body and quell a storm. Wouldn’t you say that is an energy you might want to learn more about? Within this life, there is so much more that could assist the one or the other to have a better and happier life. Add those ingredients that will improve as you plant seeds for your future.

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