Spontaneity Allows for More

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    spontaneity allows for more

    Spontaneity versus structure. Which one appeals to you? Enter into the space of allowing so that more might be. Would you agree with the statement – “Through God all things are possible?” As we have said, life when too structured, is not a life of living but a rote routine, and almost a mechanical occurrence.


    It is in the not-knowing of life — the spontaneity of life that more possibility and endless potential is to be. So we say this day to lessen the structured premises within a day. Allow new experiences and their opportunities to enter into the mix.

    If each moment is carved out, how must life wait for more to be? All exists through God, Universe, or however you define the Greater Power which is a Part of everything.

    If Your Life Were a Movie or Play

    Do you recall seeing a movie where everything was oh-so predictable? Did it seem boring? If your life were a movie, would it have the twists and turns an exciting movie might suggest? Would the audience be cheering you on or walking out early?

    Each Choice Is Important

    You make new choices within every minute of every day. This is true for eating choices, how you spend your leisure time, and what you focus on in between. Do your storylines have predictability, or are there spontaneous occurrences that allow for different criteria to unfold?

    Dare to do and enact different steps than yesterday. Then wait for things to unfold within your life as this spontaneity allows for new outcomes to appear and be realized.

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