Trust And Believe – Confirm

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    Trust, Believe

    Shelf the mind and do move into the sacred space of your heart. Might you trust and believe as you inwardly confirm?

    And so today, as you reside in the space and realm of allowing what can be to Be, would you agree that this is how you might enter into the flow of consciousness? This is also known as Universal Consciousness. It is through such unknown things that you can move into new possibilities. Meditate or choose another way to still the mind of its bantering.

    The expansiveness and those things you might accomplish in this life can be more than you might imagine now when you allow yourself a reset. Give your body and mind a break from the ramblings that go on there. For surely you recognize with God all things are possible.

    When you take a break and then reengage with your life, you can begin to see more clearly. You’ll make better choices. Allow for each possibility (and its potentiality) to exist. Then seek to reengage after you have allowed a brief disconnect to occur from all the to-do lists that exist there. Let the criticisms fall away. Allow a breath of fresh air to enter in. In this reconnection, you allow for sharper thinking and new insights to become known. Do you see?

    Is Life Too Structured

    Life, when too structured, is not a life at all. Instead, it’s merely a rote, routine occurrence. It is in the not-knowing of life where more can be. Here you will find endless possibilities and their expansive potentialities to exist. So we say this day, don’t be too structured. Allow a space of time for unknown things to enter in, for new things await your recognition and engagement. Allow them in.

    Do so by intending for more to be. Create a welcoming space in which they might exist. You see, if each moment is carved out, how will life’s unlimited possibilities and their promise come to you? In this scenario, they must wait to fit into a more structured plan. One that the mind has structured out for you. What do you believe?

    Trust & Believe

    Open up to new opportunities and potentialities as you surrender what you know to be to what might be. Allow what is unknown to become now known. Trust and believe that there is a greater plan that is in the wings waiting for you to experience. Believe it. Know it and it will be so.

    And so it is.

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