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    Do you realize that you have unlimited potential? Do you realize that you are limitless? The limitations you experience are those which are self-imposed. There are no limitations but those you choose to embrace. All potentialities are limitless.

    Unlimited Potential Can Be Yours

    Choose now to remove any self-imposed constraints and embrace unbridled opportunity and promise. Each is of endless possibility and all that moves forward are of your choosing. Each objective is yours to embrace. Only when you choose a self-limiting thought does this limitation enter into your world as it seeks to anchor there because of your focus. Move away from all that does limit you by your thoughts.

    In seeking direction from Universe and being in Universal flow, there are always indicators given that arrive to provide unrealized options. These allow you to move a step closer to what you seek. It is whether or not you are able to tune in to recognize them.

    Know that as you look, you will find. The mind and ego … each play roles here. Seek something greater than you thought possible. Set your intentions and surrender to what might be. 

    Know that what you seek, you will find.

    In case you missed one of these ...

    What does enlightenment mean? Many have defined it to mean this or that, but is this so? What is the point of such a consideration...

    Do you wonder why certain things happen? Why do negative or bad things pop into play in an unexpected way? And what do they have...

    What is death, and what does it mean to transition? Are these things synonymous? You see, there is much here, and we seek to share...

    Are You Ready for Transformative Change?

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    All is energy, vibration, frequency

    Advanced Energetics - Discover the Elders - Find Your Purpose