It is true. Life is as you desire it to be from beliefs held. Those who work in business and promote themselves over their employees’ lives, seeking their own personal aggrandizement over another, are they ultimately benefiting those they employ? Might you consider their self-talk as well as your own?
They became empowered by doing more to promote their individual ego than looking outside of themselves and recognizing the greater good they might otherwise facilitate. They believe in their own self-talk and perhaps others are inconsequential to their objectives. Some of these power players, if not most, are trapped by their egos. In such a scenario, what happens to others is of little consequence to them.
It is difficult to say exactly what passes through their mind’s eye, but we do believe their self-talk does fuel their inner dialog. And so, do know that theirs is a talk that does empower their individual activities. Theirs is a dialog where they see the one and not the whole. They do not understand how all are connected. In fact, they see no connection with these others, only how they might be personally elevated.
So they want what they want because they must have more to feel validation. Money is an interesting component found within this dynamic. It is often the motivating factor when personal satisfaction and ego are involved. Money provides an egoic component. This self-worth factor is needed to buoy up and satisfy ego. So, what is the self-talk here?
Incessant Banter
Money, greed, and egoic self-love are a mighty mix. For some, self-love is only possible through the benefits money affords. Thus, enabling a moment of peace to exist as the mind and ego are momentarily quieted is a valued commodity. Can peace rise above the noise? Can it rise above a rampant self-dialog that is most pressing and potentially self-judging? The vibrational equivalent here is neediness. There is a temporary and momentary pause experienced when a monetary or other self-gratifying measure is realized. This allows a brief break to occur from the egoic mind’s incessant banter.
Perhaps they do not see the oneness that exists in all things. They do not pause to consider what their actions might cause another to feel. Only that this monetary expression is a means to an end. It boosts and promotes externally what had been minimized and reduced inwardly.
So they need only an outer expression, such as a monetary gain, or the like, to gratify ego as opposed to activating something of greater value within. As recognition is sought through external means, might you seek to connect and engage from your heart center? Become validated from within.
So, what is your self-talk?
Your Focused Attention
Know the thoughts you keep are most integral and key to your advancement. Know when you affix on any lower vibrational dialog, uplifted steps will be harder to produce. Keep track of the thoughts you keep and the intentions you hold. These are key components to how each day will progress and what you will accomplish. Keep tabs on your self-talk.
Life is meant to be fun but not at the expense of another. Monitor your self-talk. Stay steadfast in all that you envision as you look to accomplish more in an uncompromised way. Recognize that all of your steps will enable you to do and be what you focus upon by the intention and attention you keep. This is the premise you might consider today. Then seek to manifest more. Enact your dreams and bring about your best life. Consider this and not that. Move in an unparalleled way to advance the best life possible and in doing so, more can now be.