Why Do Bad Things Happen?

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    Bad or Gift?
    Why do bad things happen? Do you know? Have you asked?

    Do you wonder why certain things happen? Why do negative or bad things pop into play in an unexpected way? And what do they have to do with your life, in general, other than creating hardship? Do you know? Do you wonder?

    You see, each occurrence in your life has many meanings associated with it. Sometimes, you can readily see why something occurred, but do you look for the deeper meaning that exists there, too? Do you wonder about the metaphysical aspect that is the underlying component of this puzzle? Do you ask?

    Is This Thing Bad or Gift?

    Do you see we routinely suggest that this bad or troublesome thing is merely a gift in disguise? It is wrapped and covered so you might not initially see its added measure. But there is a gift in each adversarial thing that comes to your door. This we guarantee.

    It is that you must be looking for the gift to perceive its added measure. There is more available to you when you look upon each and everything that comes into your life as the gift that it is. And the sooner you begin looking for the gift (that is there), the sooner you will change your energy and all that arrives in relation to that. See the gift given in all things.

    Now, here’s an audio excerpt from our next book, Given in Love

    We will say that each thing you look upon is found when choosing to do so. There is a gift in all you encounter When you can see life this way, and know that other lesser considerations need not be, then you are advancing through life in a more preferred way. Know this.

    Know that you are the considerations that pass before your mind’s eye as each is a consideration from either the more expanded part of you or that part which might be diminished in its scope and measure.

    Given in Love, Chapter 12

    Join Us!

    Join us in Raleigh, North Carolina, for the next Body, Mind, Spirit Expo in February. 22-23 There, we will share insights from our next book, Given in Love. Learn how to make this your last incarnation. Because you don’t know what you do not … until you do.

    BMSE Raleigh, NC

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