Your Thoughts are Important

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    Redirect your thoughts

    Monitor Your Thoughts – Redirect Them

    You control the thoughts you keep. You are the gatekeeper to what is allowed the opportunity for you to focus upon and exist within your being and world.

    You see, all things you do require you to choose them. Your free will election is why you are where you are this day. Make better choices as you consider that there is more to the equation than you realized before.

    Refocus fearful or negative thinking to what is preferred.

    In case you missed one of these ...

    What is death, and what does it mean to transition? Are these things synonymous? You see, there is much here, and we seek to share...

    As we suggested in Errant Thoughts, Part 1, the thoughts you think are not as you might believe them to be. Recognize this. Yes, they...

    Are your thoughts your own? How can they not be? How can they be other than one’s own errant thoughts? Have you considered and wondered...

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