Do You Welcome Change?


  Do you recognize that you are moving on an ever-changing Earth? Things here are not as you might believe them to be. Much is changing in many ways. Life seems to be that which is not preferred and we seek to change that. We want you to know the more that does exist and […]

Life is a Gift

Gifts Given

In life, do you realize that each day and opportunity found within a day is a gift? Gifts come in many sizes and packages. They are wrapped in a way that you do not know what you will find until you open and expose this thing. In your questioning, you expose the means to find its true understanding. You find what it holds.

The 24 Hour Challenge

24 hour challenge

Let’s discuss how to maintain positive thoughts, and a 24-hour challenge to give this challenge a try. Do you understand why the mind operates as it does—and what you can do to stay in the flow of positive thinking? Stay in positively charged energy and discover the difference we describe.

Positive Thinking is Key

Positive Thinking

Each day is a building block for the next. Do you realize that positive thinking will change your life? Make it your goal to surpass yesterday’s accomplishments by connecting with positive thoughts today. Build even greater momentum to achieve just a little more from your day in this way.



Do you trust yourself to make the best decisions? Do you trust others? How do you know who to trust? Do you rely too much on what others say? Do you seek their input above your own insights or before you connect within?

What’s Your Purpose


Do you know your purpose? Have you heard someone speak about how to discover their life’s passion, mission, or purpose? Some also refer to this as their reason for being. Quite simply, it’s the reason you living here today.

Tell the Day What You Want

What do you want

Might you tell the day what you want it to manifest? Tell the day what you want as you move to enact more. Know that this day holds an energetic key or pattern unlike any other. Might you provide direction to your day as you feel your way?

Consider Your Self-Talk


Do you consider your own self-talk? Self-talk is that internal voice that drives you to do this, that, or the other. Do you believe this is you in the background having this dialog? What if you found out this wasn’t you but something separate and aside from you?

Provide Direction for the Best Day

Know that today holds an energetic pattern unlike any other. Might you provide direction to your day? Might you frame the day? Do so when you seek to establish a unique blueprint – the fingerprint of this and each day. You can pattern your days to provide you with the preferred outcome you desire. Set out to lay the groundwork for how you expect this day to manifest.

Spontaneity Allows for More


Spontaneity versus structure. Which one appeals to you? Enter into the space of allowing so that more might be. Would you agree with the statement – “Through God all things are possible?” As we have said, life, when too structured, is not a life of living but a rote routine, and almost a mechanical occurrence.