Restore Wholeness Meditation


We introduced an understanding to restore the wholeness sought by your Soul. Did you wonder how you might bring this much-desired wholeness in? The meditation we shared then and again here will help shed more light on how to achieve this objective. Because of its importance, we’ve circled back around to it. Engage this meditation as a means of restoration as you set the intention to restore wholeness.

Do You Feel Off – the Best Way to Restore Wholeness

when off, seek wholeness

Do you feel off, out of sorts, or like something’s missing? Do you sometimes wonder why things don’t add up, or why you don’t comprehend something others seem to grasp rather easily? Do you recognize a need to regain wholeness? See these things as a means of recognition for what was once complete and whole. Resolve and bring greater clarity into play. In this way, you are able to easily plug the gaps and make this life easier, more effortless, and carefree.

Why Recognition is Important and the 1st Step

Why recognition is important with Robyn G. Locke on card

Do you wonder about recognition and why it’s so important? Do you wonder why it matters in such a big-picture sort of way? Here we’ve suggested that hidden addictions are what you might choose now to recognize and why these little or big things need to be recognized in this way.

The #1 Definitive Guide to Self-Healing and Transformative Change

Discover Your Purpose Speaker and guide to self-healing author Robyn G. Locke

I want to share a brief story but first, I’m happy to announce that Awaken will soon be released as an audiobook! Yes, you’ll soon be able to listen to Awaken: The Definitive Guide to Transformative Change! I’m anticipating its release in April 2023! It’s so exciting that I couldn’t keep this news to myself any longer. Find its meditations and easy-to-follow steps as you delve into this audiobook’s deeper messages. It’s been a big process and one that I hadn’t fully anticipated. Yet I’m so grateful that it is finally out of my hands and going through the final review process.

Universal Love Meditation

Universal Love Meditation

Let us tarry as we begin in a way of Loving measure as we move into Love’s expansive and boundless portal that will always and unceasingly embrace, nurture, heal, and restore. This is how the Elders began this week’s meditation which focuses on Universal Love. It’s a meditation focusing on Universal Love.

Alchemy & Elixirs, Part 2

Alchemy & Elixirs text

Do you know what it means when the Elders discuss elixirs and how it relates to the recent post, Are You an Alchemist? As they move to discuss this liquified substance – recognize elixirs are a most magical substance. Elixirs can bring more into your life than you might currently believe. Ingest an elixir to feel […]

Are You an Alchemist, Part 1

Are You An Alchemist?

Do you consider yourself an alchemist? Do you consider yourself a master alchemist? Maybe it would be helpful to define alchemy as defined here. You see, it’s the means to bring forward your best life and all that might be. Consider alchemy as another means of enacting true manifestation.

Light Energy Meditation – Revitalize

The Elders share a meditation to revitalize, restore, and reinvigorate the body. Here, Light energy is showered upon you in a visual way. Its healing components are given in this lovingly shared meditation.

Closer To Venus Podcast, Episode #60

Robyn appeared on Closer To Venus Podcast. A Podcast About Why We Are Here And Where We Are Going. To read the full transcript of this interview, click the continue reading button below.

You can listen to the podcast here:

Engage Love

Engage Love

Have you considered engaging Love into the world today? If you wonder what could be done from such a fractured state consider what can be engaged in an uplifting sort of way. We will say, fractured in such a way unimaginable even mere months ago. You see, this energy has been brewing for quite some time. And so what might be done to help in the dissipation and the revitalization of all that has come before?