Heal Your Broken Heart

Broken Heart Meditation

Have you wanted to expand the way you see things or perhaps heal a broken heart? Here, the Elders give the means to bring in Light Energy so that you can heal, restore, and make whole that which is diminished right now.

Restore Wholeness Meditation


We introduced an understanding to restore the wholeness sought by your Soul. Did you wonder how you might bring this much-desired wholeness in? The meditation we shared then and again here will help shed more light on how to achieve this objective. Because of its importance, we’ve circled back around to it. Engage this meditation as a means of restoration as you set the intention to restore wholeness.

Still or Slow the Mind, Untether it

Still the mind

Have you ever tried to meditate but couldn’t still your mind? Have you ever tried to feel an alignment that moves you to connect with the day differently? You see the Elders routinely discuss the importance of alignment and here’s what you need to consider. Realize that when you are learning how to do something that you may need to take extra steps to get something to operate as it’s meant to do. In other words, when you’re developing a muscle, you have to work at it. Slow and steady. You can’t expect to lift 80 lbs. the first time out. You have to work up to it. You have to adopt the right posture. You have to develop a consistent practice so that you implement something that builds your ability to what you couldn’t do before.

Meditation to Find Your Purpose with Universal Love

Enter through the rose center

Have you considered the new means of entrance the Elders suggested last week, the portal they proposed you employ to gain entrance to the heart space? The Elders recommend entering through the center of the rose. In that update, they shared how this alternate and more effective means of connection could be enacted. It was by superimposing a rose over the heart space and entering through its center. They shared then that you might find new insights and ultimately your purpose in this way. Are you ready to discover and incorporate just a bit more?

Universal Love – the Transcendent Love that Allows More to Be

Universal Love Meditation

Move Universal Love into this world in a global way. Universal Love is that transcendent Love that allows more to be a part of your life. Universal Love is so much more than most may realize. I know there’s so much more to this equation. The Elders are from the energy of Love and who better to share such insights?

Who Am I? Why Am I Here? | 6 Keys to True Identity

Discover your true identity - Who Am I & Why Am I Here?

Do you recognize your true identity or simply wonder, Who am I and why am I here? Do you know who you really are or why you are here? Recognize you are not merely the body form you see in the mirror each day. Recognize you are so much more than your physical being. That’s what the Elders share in today’s update.

Meditate – Stop Mental Distractions

Still the Mind Meditation

Utilize this and other meditational exercises (see below) to move the mental box outside of the space in which it normally resides. Meditate more easily this way. Now you can engage a means to elicit answers. To ascertain those things you desire to know more readily. In this way, the answers you want now can be more easily recognized and received. Meditate to regain that mental control as you still and slow the mind’s engagement.

Universal Love Meditation

Universal Love Meditation

Let us tarry as we begin in a way of Loving measure as we move into Love’s expansive and boundless portal that will always and unceasingly embrace, nurture, heal, and restore. This is how the Elders began this week’s meditation which focuses on Universal Love. It’s a meditation focusing on Universal Love.

Manifest the Best Day Meditation

The Elders share and provide information on how to manifest the best day. In this meditation, you’re given insights that allow you to bring forward a magnificent day, an intentional day, one that is wanted and desired.

A Long-Ago Story and Your Practice

story from long ago

The Elders share a story from long ago and the value of developing and growing your meditational practice. They share such insights here now, but know they want you to have a better outcome than what is shared here.