What is Enlightenment?

What does enlightenment mean? Many have defined it to mean this or that, but is this so? What is the point of such a consideration anyway? Is it a seeking to become more than who or what? More than another, more than what existed today or yesterday, or more than imaginable? You see, it is […]
Ready for a New Horizon?

Is there more appearing on the horizon because of the alignment of the stars? What is moving forward on the horizon within your immediate world? What is moving forward due to what some have taught and others portend? Is there a way these things can pivot you into all you seek to spiritually discover without […]
Reincarnation 101

Do you wonder about reincarnation? What does this one word mean to you? Is it something you believe to exist? So what perspective do you hold on reincarnation? What do you believe this one word suggests? Reincarnation Reincarnation simply means that you have had multiple times in which to understand this world and how it […]
What is a Cause?

We’ve shared about this before, but do you recognize that taking on a cause is not the same as enacting your purpose? From time to time, I hear someone recount details of their purpose. Yet, sometimes, the details they share require a degree of judgment and mental directives. When mental meanderings get in the way, […]
Dreams – Their Value

Do you recognize the value of your dreams? Do you easily remember them as you awaken? If you do, do you immediately write them down before they are lost? The Elders share their benefits in our next book. Discover the net effect and what you gain when understanding what they seek to impart. They provide […]
The Earth Experience, Why You Are Here

Our next book is Given in Love. Discover the premise of the Earth Experience it shares. It’s the experience that you’re currently experiencing. You see, your Soul journeyed here to understand something not fully understood. It’s here that your purposeful objective is to be discovered. Although others also share this space, many came for a […]
Why Are You Here?

Have you wondered why you are living this life today? Is it a fluke of nature that you and others are here at all? Do you see that you made the decision to experience life here. Yes. Your Soul made this decision to journey here a time or two ago. And you are living life […]
Your Purpose

Do you wonder about life today? Do you wonder about the many things you seemingly can’t control? Do you know your purpose? Know, too, that you are able to control all within your realm of understanding. You control all that is within your ability to control. And it is simply this — you control your […]
What’s Your Purpose

Do you know your purpose? Have you heard someone speak about how to discover their life’s passion, mission, or purpose? Some also refer to this as their reason for being. Quite simply, it’s the reason you living here today.
Is the Law of Attraction Real

Is the Law of Attraction real? Is it as it seems to be? How can you know for sure? And if it is real, how do you attract what you want sooner rather than later? Start by deciding to move forward as you determine to move closer to what you want. What does it mean to move forward in this way? Is it a physical step, or is it an intentional movement to become more aligned with what you came to do or be?