Ready for a New Horizon?

new horizon

Is there more appearing on the horizon because of the alignment of the stars? What is moving forward on the horizon within your immediate world? What is moving forward due to what some have taught and others portend? Is there a way these things can pivot you into all you seek to spiritually discover without […]

Is There a Preference to Know More?


Do you wish to know more? We recognize that mankind has been operating in a way that is due (in large part) to the mental-ness from which they operate. We do not mean this in a way other than there has not been a resource to provide more that is fully accurate and true. How […]

Reincarnation 101

reincarnation is real

Do you wonder about reincarnation? What does this one word mean to you? Is it something you believe to exist? So what perspective do you hold on reincarnation? What do you believe this one word suggests? Reincarnation Reincarnation simply means that you have had multiple times in which to understand this world and how it […]