Sign Up to Join the
Awaken Book Club Series


Resuming in 2025

Sign up now to attend the Awaken Book Club series! Join us when we resume our sessions in 2025.

We kicked off this book series on August 14th, 2023 with the intention of offering more insights so that you might enact change more readily.  Sign up now and plan to join us in the new year.

So what can you do now? Get your copies of the Awaken and The Greater Purpose books. Start reading them in tandem as you enact their steps. When you have a question, or unsure of a step introduced, the Awaken Book Club is your means to engage, ask questions, and receive guidance.

Read through our book club guidelines, so you have the best unbounded experience!

Join our community as you shift, changing your energy along the way. Draw in unparalleled opportunities and the promise new energy can bring. Isn’t it time to enact why your Soul chose to embody here?

Sign up now. Once you do so, you’ll be all set. In the meantime, you’ll receive our weekly newsletter.

Welcome to this community! We’re so glad you are here!!

The Greater Purpose – Awaken to Your Reason for Being

Are you in the doings of your purpose, yet await true fulfillment and the means to move manifestations into motion? Is it time to awaken to your reason for being? Are you routinely and consciously seeking more? If you’re ready for small shifts that will result in epic proportions, look no further.

The Greater Purpose is the definitive guide to finding your purpose. It is made up of the purpose trilogy book series. Within this trilogy, you’ll find —

– Book 1 – The Little Book to Find Your Purpose– The expansiveness of Universal Love and its transformative measures- Steps to still and slow the mind as you understand why you are not your thoughts

– Book 2 – The Original Purpose– The steps to recognize and enact your original purpose- Answers to the age-old question, Why am I here?

– Book 3 – Enact Your Purpose– The steps to see past the endless mental banter as you understand why you are not your thoughts- Energetic keys to elevate your frequency and help you to unlock the underlying premise of your purpose

The Greater Purpose is a series of guiding truths and the definitive means of determining and living that original intent. Awaken to the inspiration of your mission through the many nuances you’ll explore. Delve into foundational and fundamental understandings as you remove mental limitations and their constructs.

Now move to ascertain what you sought to know once long ago. Grow heart-centered awareness and intuition as you connect the dots to this formula for inner fulfillment. You’ll see life and all within it differently as your vibration shifts accordingly.

The Greater Purpose – Audiobook

Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and find that elusive purpose? If you are in your purpose, what else do you need to know in order to make this the final incarnation and the best life? Listen to our audiobook to get more out of this purpose book trilogy.

The Elders non-judgmental and uniquely held authority suggests how you might awaken to enact all you are in search of — whether that means self-realization or procuring the best and most bountiful life … your unimaginable future waits in readiness. Lay claim to your unique gifts as you unearth this ultimate means of personal transformation.

Buy on Amazon

Awaken – the Definitive Guide to Transformative Change

Feel like you’re off-course? Hurdles stopping you in your tracks? Searching for guidance that seems nowhere to be found? Is it time to awaken?

Gifted international speaker, author, and energy intuitive Robyn G. Locke conveys wisdoms given by the Elders – Beings of Pure Consciousness and Infinite Awareness. And now she’s here to share powerful Universal insights to spark the means to enact a personal renewal of ultimate self-discovery.

In Awaken, you’ll discover:

– How to easily, personally, and more readily transform your existence into one that manifests your dreams and desires

– Ways to unlayer and remove trapped emotional energy to help you shift-change into all you might be

– Instruction on the importance of your purpose and how you can step into this new pathway with confidence and ease

– Techniques that will self-heal, create wellness, and lead you to a more lasting happiness

– The ability to access inner fulfillment, shift-change your energy, see this life differently, and so much more

Awaken is an extraordinary resource accelerating the process of true inner awareness, restorative healing, and personal transformation. If you like enacting inspirational insights and garnering a deeper understanding of Universal Love’s vast capabilities and timeless teachings, then get ready for the soul-stirring results these new discoveries will bring.

Heal – Restore – Renew

Awaken – Audiobook

Gifted speaker, transformation facilitator, and energy intuitive Robyn G. Locke bridges the physical to the non-physical world to convey insights from the Elders. Get your audiobook companion so that you can more easily move into step for the many meditations and insightful offerings.

The Elders are Beings of Pure Consciousness and Infinite Awareness. Their unlimited and unbounded perspectives are given in unconditional Love while shining a light on Universal truths, Universal Love,  and the many purposeful pathways explored. Discover what awaits in their 360-degree approach to finding the life of your dreams.

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Discover Your Soul’s Purpose – Your Greater Purpose

Heal – Restore – Renew

Are You Ready for Transformative Change?

Might we begin today without delay?
Sign up now to get your 10 Key Steps to transform your life!

All is energy, vibration, frequency

Advanced Energetics - Discover the Elders - Find Your Purpose