Meet Robyn

In discovering the Elders ,
  let's also learn a little about her...

the Elders

Think upon Us as a Consciousness of Light and Love.


Love life and even what appears to be bad. Discover the deeper meaning attached to each thing encountered along the way.

Robyn G Locke

Energy Intuitive, Transformation Facilitator, Coach, Speaker, and Author

Meet Robyn. As a Coach and Energy Intuitive, Robyn helps her clients break old negative patterns of thoughts and behaviors. She helps them get connected to their true purpose, which in turn fuels them to enact the changes they’ve been wanting to make but couldn’t, until now.

-If you’ve felt stuck or shut down,

-If you’ve felt lost,

-If you’ve felt like you’re not really living life,

-If you seem to attract toxic relationships, then this is for you.

Robyn bridges the physical with the nonphysical world to bring you purpose-driven, self-healing self-help books. She is a transformation facilitator, international speaker, energy intuitive, and spiritual seeker.

Our intent is to communicate healing modalities to and through Robyn. She has a passion and love that is strong. Robyn vibrationally connects to us. She acts as our means to bring forward new … yet not truly new teachings into this world of form. We do hope to utilize many other methods to communicate and share such insights.

Multiple books have been given and workshops enacted. In time, she will be a hands-on facilitator to instruct many on healing practices, recounting the many modalities which do exist. Much is being revealed, and all will be released in time — at the right time for more to be.

Know all is energy, vibration, frequency. Engage now with new understandings to enact positive change within your life. 

~the Elders

The Beings communicating here are from the Energy of Love. They are Pure Consciousness, Infinite Awareness, and are known as the Elders. Their insights will impact your world in a life-changing way.

The Elders wish to remind us of our true purpose. It’s why we are living life today. They are not discussing the life purpose but the original one. Healing is not only possible but probable when you enlist their insightful steps. Change your future reality by contacting us today!

Check out Robyn’s first website, All Is Up 2 was created in June 2012.

Check out Robyn’s first website,
All Is Up 2 was created
in June 2012.

the Elders

Think upon Us as a Consciousness of Light and Love. Think upon Us as ever-moving light that does fluctuate and form words within the in-breath and out-breath of a beat or measure. Think upon Us as Love, in Love with all that is.

We are Beings that wish for humanity to have answers that have eluded them in recent times. There are those who have shared such information, but it is also being released in this manner, in this time, so there might be a knowingness as one engages with life here.

We are Pure Consciousness, We are many, and We provide insights for humanity so that more might be gleaned in this lifetime than without such knowledge.

We are Love, but all are that which is.

Q & A as Given by the Elders

They mentioned deep breathing and to connect with the energy of the heart. I’ve tried this, and it doesn’t seem to work for me. I have challenges in getting beyond the thinking mind. What might be successful that would get my mind or ego to no longer rule the roost?

We would say that it is a manner of training for there have been teenagers without a curfew. And so when you recognize that there is never the preference to not control when one is of the calibre of a teenager who looks to see how far they can reach before perhaps their hand is slapped.


And so, recognize that as you take baby steps and as you move in the awareness of recognizing that you want to gain control over the vessel, and we would say the mental vessel, that you do so from a posture of Love and understanding. That you Love yourself unconditionally and that you remove any shackles or ties that make it feel that you must do thus and such in a more quick fashion.


But that in the loving energy as you then move and engage deep breathing in whatever methodology you prefer. We have described deep-breathing before. It is not necessary to do it this way or that and so we do not give that now. But rather say to move into the practice of looking for different breathing styles that feel appropriate to you. And then as you move into those states, know that it is as the flexing of a muscle. It is the muscle growing and to become more strengthened. That as you move to do these things, these different steps, there will be also a growing ability to do it more fluidly the next time. And it will be less encumbered and more easily gained as you move from this to that in a method that does resonate for you. For each (practice) is specific and unique (to you). And so we would say not only stop upon one but to look at several different options and to play with them.


Engage them and enjoy. And to look upon each without the drudgery of discovery. But to perhaps look upon the joy of knowing this thing that does feel appropriate to you. And as you do this, you will grow the intuitive aspect within you. Then know you are connecting in the right way. You are giving that ability trust.


In this way, you know that each is aligning and buoying you toward more. As you navigate this, know there is nothing specifically so, but rather those that feel best in their use. It is an energetic component that you are searching, and seeking to locate here. Do so in a deeply centered way and always in Love. For more questions and answers, visit our FAQ pages.

Short Clips

Utilize video clips found on the Advanced Energetics YouTube Channel to ascertain foundational understandings as you garner additional insights. Become the co-creator of all you desire to manifest in this life.

Significance of Present Moment Awareness

When you remain consciously aware and present in each moment, you will engage with life in the manner intended. In this way you can more readily accomplish all you seek. Understand this component as you move to manifest all you desire to co-create within this life.

Why Your Thoughts are so Important

Where does your focus reside and how do you navigate through the many thoughts that flow to you in a day? Recognize and remain aware of the thoughts you are thinking.

Pause and see what is given (as it is truly given), rather than as is perceived. Release knowingness and allow what is to be, as it is.

My first website, was created in June 2012. 

Each night, Robyn would ask to be given insights regarding her purpose. Early one morning, she awoke to hear that she might share what she had learned from her own health issues by creating a website. She argued that creating a website was surely not her spiritual purpose. Then she chuckled and realized she had been given some initial direction. Rather than embracing that direction, she chose to argue with it instead…

Her website was created to share how positive thought and thinking, meditation, and the like can change your reality. She learned how beliefs can change your world.

Know that life is as you see it. It’s what you believe to be possible. So, quite literally, all is up to you.